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65% Income Tax Increase - Remember in November

Ginny Cain, City-County Councilwoman from Lawrence said it best. Paraphrasing, she said that every year the city is in a crisis and every year the City-County Council votes to raise Marion County income taxes to solve that crisis. What she would like to see is some fiscal responsibility from the Mayor’s office. So would most citizens of Marion County; unfortunately, not enough members of the City-County Council share that sentiment. The income tax increase passed 15 - 13. The people of Indianapolis have to start seeing through this sham of an administration.

Since property owners have already been thrown for a loop, it was almost a given that the meeting was going to be raucous, almost tense. Several groups from the audience were thrown out due to protesting loudly before the vote. The chicken showed up. The words between councilors were much sharper than usual. It was fun to watch.

When I ask people who is in charge of Public Safety, I get up to five different answers, which means no one is in charge. Likewise, no one is in charge of Education across the county, where results are poor at best. No one in the county is monitoring the 60-plus taxing agencies we have, that tax us unmercifully.

So we have no county-wide leadership in Public Safety, which accounts for over half the City-County budget. We have no county-wide leadership in Education, which accounts for half of property taxes. We have no county-wide leadership on corralling and monitoring the 60-plus taxing agencies. But when there is an income tax increase to pass, we have county-wide leadership coming out of the woodwork.

The Mayor is counting on everyone forgetting about last night before the elections in November. Don’t let him forget. He’s the conductor of this orchestra and only by voting him out will this music stop.

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